If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.
gRPC REST Makefile Autoconf 中间件 消息队列 C 链表 数组 指针 CAT JAVA 科学上网 ClickHouse OLAP MySQL PHP Elasticsearch - 中间件 Git 工具 HBase NoSQL Istio Kubernetes Service Mesh Java8 Optional Java,并发,线程池 Lambda 并发编程 Kafka 消息队 工作积累 MAC MongoDB Netty Prometheus Operator Python Spring Boot Zookeeper 分布式系统 前端 Elasticsearch 运维 MAT Gradle 构建工具 Redi Nacos 服务治理 配置中心 面向对象 设计模式之美 重构 Apollo、Java Streams Grafana AlertManager